It's been a long time since I've updated! Every time I sit down to write I just feel very redundant. It's more of the same ole same ole. Take Metformin every night, take Provera to start my cycle, take Clomid on days 3-7 on my cycle, see if I ovulate, pregnancy text on Day 28- negative....start all over.
I will say, that its been very obvious to me this past month that the medicine is helping to keep my body on a cycle and helping me to feel better. Because-- this last round I messed my medicine up and ending up not taking Clomid at all. HOLY HEADACHES. I have been so struggling with headaches, and tummy issues, and blah blah because I threw my body out of that cycle that it's been getting used to. So pregnant or not pregnant...I'm thankful for the medicines to help keep me regulated. Everything else is up to the Lord...
I'm about to start a fresh cycle tomorrow..SO HOPEFULLY I'll be getting back to normal pretty soon.
NOW....let's write what I came to write. :)
As you well know- my sister is such a mentor to me when it comes to the infertility and female issues. She's been struggling with these things now for well over 6 years. Some would say....she's a pro.
Ok..I would say that...she's definitely a pro.
I have been so thankful for her and how she's been able to guide me through this process step by step. It's someone I can talk to about how I feel, what I'm dealing with, and what to do next. She's also been known to shell out some tough love from time to time...which I'll actually admit...I know I needed it:)
After 3 long years, many medicines, procedures, heartache, disappointment, money, and hard work...her little family is so pleased to announce that they are growing by "two feet.."
Lord willing...Baby Collins will arrive in April 2013!
All I can say is....What a MIGHTY God we serve! Our family is absolutely thrilled. He listens to us, He answers us, and He always ALWAYS provides.
Amber-- I'm so thankful for your example in faith, patience, trust, Bible-study, seeking the Lord, and JOY regardless of circumstance. No one deserves this blessing more than you. Thank you for being there for me! I can't wait to pinch that little baby's sweet cheeks! You know I'm the coolest aunt ever.
Matt-- Thank you for being there for my sister. Thank you for supporting her- even if you don't understand what it feels like. Thank you for being a great example of a Godly husband and father. You're an awesome Daddy. Way to go PooPoo! :)
Wil Franklin-- WhitWhit loves you more than life itself. You are our precious gift. You have PURPOSE.
(Even if that means playing baseball at Ole will seriously hurt my heart....but I'm always your biggest fan!) You were prayed and prayed for before you were even knit in your mama's womb. Never forget how much you're loved by your Heavenly Father and your family. Thank you for the joy that you ALWAYS bring to us! You'll always be my Superman and I'll always be your "Yois Yane!"
Little Peanut- Oh how you were prayed for! And OH how you are loved! Your WhitWhit is dying to meet you. Always remember-- it is often said that "Aunts are like Mom...only COOLER!" :) We are anxiously preparing and waiting for your arrival. You are our precious gift. You have purpose. To God Be The Glory!
Thank yall for sharing in this excitement with us! Your prayers for a smooth pregnancy, delivery, and healthy baby are ALWAYS appreciated. This has not been easy for Amber- but a million times worth it. Thanks again!
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